Energy Leadership Index Assessment.
The Energy Leadership assessment is an attitudinal assessment that provides insights into how you show up energetically in various aspects of your life. Based on the 7 Levels of energy, the lowest two levels are catabolic which are characterized by draining and resisting energy while the higher levels of energy are anabolic and represent expanding, healing and growth-oriented energy.
Your level of success in life can be raised with awareness, understanding, and knowledge of how to apply the various energy levels available to you for any purpose you choose. Your level of energy (consciousness) creates your world, each moment. By altering your perceptions of yourself, your work, and those around you, you can create a more powerful, fulfilling, and rewarding life.
The Energy Leadership Assessment measures:
- your potential leadership ability based on your level of consciousness or awareness about who you are and what life is about.
- your ability to lead, motivate, and inspire others, including yourself, to take positive, productive, and sustainable action.
- how involved or engaged you are in your life. Most people just go through the motions and are disengaged from true passion and fulfillment. When you become more conscious and engaged, judgment of yourself and others lessens, stress lessens, and productivity, pleasure, and the feeling of purpose and fulfillment increase.
- your Energetic Profile or how you function under normal situations and your energetic reaction when under stress. This is important because recognizing your reaction to stress is the first step toward reducing the level of stress you experience.
The ultimate goal of the assessment and debrief is for you to:
- have more awareness of who you are and how you act.
- understand what drives your perceptions, feelings, and actions so that you can recognize and change habits and patterns that do not serve you well.
- be able to respond, not react, to the stressors in your life in the way that you desire.
Take the online Energy Leadership Index Assessment and receive an hour discussion on what these results mean for you for $199.00.